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Configure Webhooks#

Your Lagoon administrator will also give you the route to the webhook-handler. You will add this to your repository as an outgoing webhook, and choose which events to send to Lagoon. Typically, you will send all push and pull request events. In Lagoon it is possible to add a regular expression to determine which branches and pull requests actually result in a deploy, and your Lagoon administrator can set that up for you. For example, all branches that start with feature- could be deployed to Lagoon.

Info for customers

If you are an customer, the route to the webhook-handler is:


Managing the following settings will require you to have a high level of access to these repositories, which will be controlled by your organization. If you cannot access these settings, please contact your systems administrator or the appropriate person within your organization.


  1. Proceed to Settings -> Webhooks -> Add webhook in your GitHub repository. Adding webhook in GitHub.
  2. The Payload URL is the route to the webhook-handler of your Lagoon instance, provided by your Lagoon administrator.
  3. Set Content type to application/json. Add the Payload URL and set the Content type.
  4. Choose "Let me select individual events."
  5. Choose which events will trigger your webhook. We suggest that you send Push and Pull request events, and then filter further in the Lagoon configuration of your project. Select the webhook event triggers in GitHub.
  6. Make sure the webhook is set to Active.
  7. Click Add webhook to save your configuration.


  1. Navigate to Settings -> Integrations in your GitLab repository. Go to Settings > Integrations in your GitLab repository.
  2. The URL is the route to the webhook-handler of your Lagoon instance, provided by your Lagoon administrator.
  3. Select the Trigger events which will send a notification to Lagoon. We suggest that you send Push events and Merge request events, and then filter further in the Lagoon configuration of your project. Selecting Trigger events in GitLab.
  4. Click Add webhookto save your configuration.


  1. Navigate to Settings -> Webhooks -> Add new webhook in your repository.
  2. Title is for your reference.
  3. URL is the route to the webhook-handler of your Lagoon instance, provided by your Lagoon administrator.
  4. Choose from a full list of triggers and select the following:

  5. Repository

    • Push
  6. Pull Request
    • Created
    • Updated
    • Approved
    • Approval removed
    • Merged
    • Declined

Select the Bitbucket Triggers for your webhook. 5. Click Save to save the webhook configurations for Bitbucket.