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Lagoon tries to support any development workflow possible. It specifically does not enforce any workflows onto teams, so that each development team can define how they would like to develop and deploy their code.

Fixed Branches#

The most straightforward workflows are deployment-based on some fixed branches:

You define which branches (like develop, staging and main, which would be ^(develop|staging|main)$ as regular expressions) that Lagoon should deploy and it will do so. Done!

If you would like to test a new feature, merge them into a branch that you have set up locally and push, and Lagoon will deploy the feature and you can test. When all is good, merge the branch into your production branch and push.

Feature Branches#

A bit more advanced are feature branches. Since Lagoon supports the ability to define the branches you would like to deploy via regular expressions, you can also extend the above regular expression to this: ^feature\/|^(staging|main)$. This will instruct Lagoon to deploy all branches that start with feature/, plus the branches called staging and main. Our development workflow could be as following:

  • Create a new branch from main called feature/myfeature and push feature/myfeature.
  • Lagoon will deploy the branch feature/myfeature as a new environment, where you can test your feature independently of any other features.
  • Merge feature/myfeature into the main branch and it will deploy to your production environment.

If you like, you can also merge feature/myfeature and any other feature branches into staging first, in order to test the functionality of multiple features together. After you have tested the features together on staging, you can merge the features into main.

This workflow needs a high level of branch pruning and cleanliness in your Git repository. Since each feature branch will create its own Lagoon environment, you can have very quickly generate a LOT of environments, which all of them will use resources. Be sure to merge or delete unused branches.

Because of this, it could make sense to think about a pull request based workflow.

Pull requests#

Even more advanced are workflows via pull requests. Such workflows need the support of a Git hosting which supports pull requests (also called merge requests). The idea of pull request-based workflows lies behind that idea that you can test a feature together with a target branch, without actually needing to merge yet, as Lagoon will do the merging for you during the build.

In our example we would configure Lagoon to deploy the branches ^(staging|main)$ and the pull requests to .* (to deploy all pull requests). Now our workflow would be:

  1. Create a new branch from main called feature/myfeature and push feature/myfeature (no deployment will happen now because we have only specific staging and main as our branches to be deployed).
  2. Create a pull request in your Git hosting from feature/myfeature into main.
  3. Lagoon will now merge the feature/myfeature branch on top of the main branch and deploy that resulting code for you.
  4. Now you can test the functionality of the feature/myfeature branch just as if it had been merged into main, so all changes that have happened in main since you created the feature/myfeature branch from it will be there, and you don't need to worry that you might have an older version of the main branch.
  5. If there is a merge conflict, the build will fail, Lagoon will stop and notify you.
  6. After you have tested your pull request branch, you can go back to your Git hosting and actually merge the code into main. This will now trigger a deployment of main.
  7. When the pull request is merged, it is automatically closed and Lagoon will remove the environment for the pull request automatically.

Some teams might opt to create the pull request against a shared staging branch and then merge the staging branch into the main branch via another pull request. This depends on the kind of Git workflow you're using.

Additionally, in Lagoon you can define that only pull requests with a specific text in the title are deployed. [BUILD] defined as regular expression will only deploy pull requests that have a title like [BUILD] My Pull Request, while a pull request with that title My other Pull Request is not automatically deployed. This helps to keep the amount of environments small and allows for pull requests that don't need an environment yet.

Automatic Database Sync for Pull requests#

Automatic pull request environments are a fantastic thing. But it would also be handy to have the database synced from another environment when those environments are created. Lagoon can handle that!

The following example will sync the staging database on the first rollout of the pull request environment:

    - run:
        name: IF no Drupal installed & Pullrequest = Sync database from staging
        command: |
            if [[ -n ${LAGOON_PR_BASE_BRANCH} ]] && tables=$(drush sqlq 'show tables;') && [ -z "$tables" ]; then
                drush -y sql-sync @staging default
        service: cli
        shell: bash


Another way of deploying your code into an environment is the promotion workflow.

The idea behind the promotion workflow comes from this (as an example):

If you merge the branch staging into the main branch, and if there are no changes to main , so main and staging have the exact same code in Git, it could still technically be possible that the resulting Docker images are slightly different. This is because it's possible that between the last staging deployment and the current main deployment, some upstream Docker images may have changed, or dependencies loaded from the various package managers may have changed. This is a very small chance, but it's there.

For this situation, Lagoon understands the concept of promoting Lagoon images from one environment to another. This basically means that it will take the already built and deployed Docker images from one environment, and will use those exact same Docker images for another environment.

In our example, we want to promote the Docker images from the main environment to the production environment:

  • First, we need a regular deployed environment with the name main. Make sure that the environment has deployed successfully.
  • Also, make sure that you don't have a branch called production in your Git repository. This could lead to weird confusions (like people pushing into this branch, etc).
  • Now trigger a promotion deployment using the lagoon cli:
Trigger a promotion deployment
lagoon deploy promote --project="myproject" --source="main" --destination="production"

This tells Lagoon that you want to promote from the source main to the destination production.

Lagoon will now do the following:

  • Check out the Git branch main in order to load the .lagoon.yml and docker-compose.yml files (Lagoon still needs these in order to fully work).
  • Create all Kubernetes/OpenShift objects for the defined services in docker-compose.yml , but with LAGOON_GIT_BRANCH=production as environment variable.
  • Copy the newest images from the main environment and use them (instead of building Images or tagging them from upstream).
  • Run all post-rollout tasks like a normal deployment.

You will receive the same notifications of success or failures like any other deployment.