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Cloud Basic vs Cloud Pro#

The main difference is SLA:

  • Cloud Basic - 99.9% uptime SLA
  • Cloud Pro - 99.95% uptime SLA

We will horizontally scale the application pods in order to meet the traffic demands, no matter the plan chosen (Cloud Basic or Cloud Pro). Additional measures to prevent downtime through Pod Disruption Budgets (PDBs) are used if Cloud Pro is chosen.

This makes Cloud Pro sites more robust against infrastructure restarts that can happen (e.g. a cluster node restart, maintenance).

Application scaling

Not every service can run with two pods as the application itself needs to support it.
For example, you cannot just start two pods of Redis, as you will end up with separate Redis caches.
Right now we can run 2 or more pods for service-types like: nginx, nginx/php, node, varnish and python.
For basic and worker it depends on what is running inside the containers and needs to be coordinated with the customer.