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The Lagoon php-fpm Docker image. Based on the official PHP Alpine images.

PHP-FPM (FastCGI Process Manager) is an alternative PHP FastCGI implementation with some additional features useful for sites of any size, especially busier sites.

FastCGI is a way of having server scripts execute time-consuming code just once instead of every time the script is loaded, reducing overhead.


This Dockerfile is intended to be used as a base for any PHP needs within Lagoon. This image itself does not create a web server, rather a php-fpm fastcgi listener. You may need to adapt the php-fpm pool config.

Supported versions#

  • 7.3 (available for compatibility only, no longer officially supported) - uselagoon/php-7.3-fpm
  • 7.4 (available for compatibility only, no longer officially supported) - uselagoon/php-7.4-fpm
  • 8.0 (available for compatibility only, no longer officially supported) - uselagoon/php-8.0-fpm
  • 8.1 Dockerfile (Security Support until November 2024) - uselagoon/php-8.1-fpm
  • 8.2 Dockerfile (Security Support until December 2025) - uselagoon/php-8.2-fpm
  • 8.3 Dockerfile (Security Support until December 2026) - uselagoon/php-8.3-fpm

All PHP versions use their own Dockerfiles.


We stop updating End of Life (EOL) PHP images usually with the Lagoon release that comes after the officially communicated EOL date: Previous published versions will remain available.

Lagoon adaptions#

This image is prepared to be used on Lagoon. There are therefore some things are already done:

  • Folder permissions are automatically adapted with fix-permissions, so this image will work with a random user.
  • The /usr/local/etc/php/php.ini and /usr/local/etc/php-fpm.conf, plus all files within /usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/ , are parsed through envplate with a container-entrypoint.
  • See the Dockerfile for installed PHP extensions.
  • To install further extensions, extend your Dockerfile from this image. Install extensions according to the docs, under the heading How to install more PHP extensions.

Included PHP config#

The included PHP config contains sensible values that will make the creation of PHP pools config easier. Here is a list of some of these. Check /usr/local/etc/php.ini, /usr/local/etc/php-fpm.conf for all of them:

Value Details
max_execution_time = 900 Changeable via PHP_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME.
realpath_cache_size = 256k For handling big PHP projects.
memory_limit = 400M For big PHP projects (changeable via PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT).
opcache.memory_consumption = 265 For big PHP projects.
opcache.enable_file_override = 1 and opcache.huge_code_pages = 1 For faster PHP.
display_errors = Off and display_startup_errors = Off For sensible production values (changeable via PHP_DISPLAY_ERRORS and PHP_DISPLAY_STARTUP_ERRORS).
upload_max_filesize = 2048M For big file uploads.
apc.shm_size = 32m and apc.enabled = 1 Changeable via PHP_APC_SHM_SIZE and PHP_APC_ENABLED.

Also, php-fpm error logging happens in stderr.

💡 If you don't like any of these configs, you have three possibilities:

  1. If they are changeable via environment variables, use environment variables (this is the preferred method, see table of environment variables below).
  2. Create your own fpm-pool config and set via php_admin_value and php_admin_flag.
  3. Learn more about them in this documentation for Running PHP as an Apache module. This documentation refers to Apache, but it is also the case for php-fpm).


    1. If you want to provide your own php-fpm pool, overwrite the file /usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf with your own config, or rename this file if you want it to have another name. If you don't do that, the provided pool will be started!
    2. PHP values with the PHP_INI_SYSTEM changeable mode cannot be changed via an fpm-pool config. They need to be changed either via already provided environment variables or:
    3. Provide your own php.ini or php-fpm.conf file (this is the least preferred method).

Default fpm-pool#

This image is shipped with an fpm-pool config (php-fpm.d/www.conf) that creates an fpm-pool and listens on port 9000. This is because we try to provide an image which already covers most needs for PHP, so you don't need to create your own. You are welcome to do so if you like, though!

Here a short description of what this file does:

  • Listens on port 9000 via IPv4 and IPv6.
  • Uses the pm dynamic and creates between 2-50 children.
  • Re-spawns php-fpm pool children after 500 requests to prevent memory leaks.
  • Replies with pong when making a fastcgi request to /ping (good for automated testing to check if the pool started).
  • catch_workers_output = yes to see PHP errors.
  • clear_env = no to be able to inject PHP environment variables via regular Docker environment variables.

Environment Variables#

Some options are configurable via environment variables.

Environment Variable Default Description
NEWRELIC_ENABLED false Enable NewRelic performance monitoring, needs NEWRELIC_LICENSE be configured.
NEWRELIC_LICENSE (not set) NewRelic license to be used. Important: NEWRELIC_ENABLED needs to be set totrue in order for NewRelic to be enabled.
NEWRELIC_BROWSER_MONITORING_ENABLED true This enables auto-insertion of the JavaScript fragments for NewRelic browser monitoring. Important: NEWRELIC_ENABLED needs to be set totrue in order for NewRelic to be enabled.
NEWRELIC_DISTRIBUTED_TRACING_ENABLED false This enables distributed tracing. Important: NEWRELIC_ENABLED needs to be set totrue in order for NewRelic to be enabled.
PHP_APC_ENABLED 1 Can be set to 0 to disable APC.
PHP_APC_SHM_SIZE 32m The size of each shared memory segment given.
PHP_DISPLAY_ERRORS Off Configures whether errors are printed or hidden. See
PHP_DISPLAY_STARTUP_ERRORS Off Configures whether startup errors are printed or hidden. See
PHP_ERROR_REPORTING Production E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT Development: E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT & ~E_NOTICE The desired logging level you'd like PHP to use. See
PHP_FPM_PM_MAX_CHILDREN 50 The the maximum number of child processes. See
PHP_FPM_PM_MAX_REQUESTS 500 The number of requests each child process should execute before re-spawning. See
PHP_FPM_PM_MAX_SPARE_SERVERS 2 The desired maximum number of idle server processes. See
PHP_FPM_PM_MIN_SPARE_SERVERS 2 The desired minimum number of idle server processes. See
PHP_FPM_PM_PROCESS_IDLE_TIMEOUT 60s The number of seconds after which an idle process will be killed. See
PHP_FPM_PM_START_SERVERS 2 The number of child processes created on startup. See
PHP_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME 900 Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds. See
PHP_MAX_FILE_UPLOADS 20 The maximum number of files allowed to be uploaded simultaneously. See
PHP_MAX_INPUT_VARS 2000 How many input variables will be accepted. See
PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT 400M Maximum amount of memory a script may consume. See
XDEBUG_ENABLE (not set) Set to true to enable xdebug extension.
BLACKFIRE_ENABLED (not set) Set to true to enable blackfire extension.
BLACKFIRE_SERVER_ID (not set) Set to Blackfire Server ID provided by Needs BLACKFIRE_ENABLED set to true.
BLACKFIRE_SERVER_TOKEN (not set) Set to Blackfire Server Token provided by Needs BLACKFIRE_ENABLED set to true.
BLACKFIRE_LOG_LEVEL 3 Change the log level of the blackfire agent. Available values: log verbosity level (4: debug, 3: info, 2: warning, 1: error) See