Running Harbor Locally#
Lagoon supports running Harbor locally, where it makes use of MinIO as a storage backend, which is an AWS S3 compatible local storage solution.
Harbor is composed of multiple containers, which all require different settings in order for them to run successfully.
Environment Variables#
The following environment variables are required to be set in order for Harbor to properly start:
- This needs to be set to the name of the AWS bucket which Harbor will save images to.
- Defaults to
when Lagoon is run locally or during CI testing. HARBOR_REGISTRY_STORAGE_AMAZON_REGION
- This needs to be set to the AWS region in which Harbor's bucket is located.
- Defaults to
when Lagoon is run locally or during CI testing. REGISTRY_STORAGE_S3_ACCESSKEY
- This needs to be set to the AWS access key Harbor should use to read and write to the AWS bucket.
- Defaults to an empty string when Lagoon is run locally or during CI testing, as MinIO does not require authentication.
- This needs to be set to the AWS secret key Harbor should use to read and write to the AWS bucket.
- Defaults to an empty string when Lagoon is run locally or during CI testing, as MinIO does not require authentication.
The following environment variables can be set if required:
- If this variable is set, the Harbor registry will use its value as the address of the s3 entrypoint.
- Defaults to
when this variable is not set.
Container Specific Settings#
The following containers make use of configuration files:
The following containers do not require configuration files to run:
- Harbor-Nginx
- Harbor-Portal
- Harbor-Redis